Key Cab with Breathalyser
Access Control Key Cabinet with Compulsory Alcohol Testing
Aus Lock & Safe now offers an intelligent Key Control System with Alcohol Testing so employers can execute high OH&S Standards.
The AlcoSense AccessPoint alcohol breathalyser is integrated with the highly secure Creone Keybox Electronic Key Cabinets. This key management system provides access control functionality and controls the release of keys by using a simple breath alcohol test.
OH&S Tested & Managed
AlcoSense is highly effective at helping to enhance and execute workplace OH&S policies efficiently. It ensures drivers or operators of dangerous equipment or machinery must pass an alcohol test. This system provides employers with a duty of care to employees and the public. It is cost effective and provides optimum results.
Benefits to the Work Place
It is paramount for employers to promote a safe and productive work environment to ensure the general health and wellbeing or everybody within it. The AlcoSense AccessPoint breath tester is known for providing fast and reliable results so that employers can quickly and efficiently test staff members before releasing keys.
Zero Alcohol Tolerant Policy Work Places
It is ideal for industries where a strict or zero alcohol tolerance policy is enforced and where driving or using machinery will cause danger or impair judgement if a user is under the influence of alcohol. Ideal for industries and employees such as:
- Fleet and delivery vehicle drivers
- Public service vehicle drivers
- Factory, construction and mining sites
- Workplaces that use heavy machinery
- Chemical plants, laboratories and hospitals
- Public areas & stadiums
- Workplaces with firearms & hazardous equipment
Access Control
The intelligent KeyBox by Creone provides access control where only authorised users can access keys using a PIN code. The user then blows into the breathalyser and the system will confirm a pass or fail. A pass will open the cabinet and release the designated key. A fail will refuse the release of keys. All information is registered in the administrator’s reporting log.
The KeyBox Cabinet can include anything from a few keys to thousands of keys. Additional key strips and key places can be added to cabinets, or more cabinets added to the same system. The key cabinet has a display with a simple menu and search function. The Creome locking intellipin keeps keys locked in place when the cabinet opens. Only the nominated intellipin will be released based on the access control programming. Alternatively, selected keys can be free or fixed within the cabinet if that suits the workplace requirements.
Fast Results
Testing is easy as employees only need to blow into the sampling hole - no mouthpieces or straws are required. Results are displayed as 'Pass' if no alcohol is detected, or 'Fail' if alcohol is detected. Users that pass the breath test are allowed keys, whereas users that fail the breath test are denied access to keys.
Key Cabinet Security Features
- Selected or random PIN Code
- Inactivation of users
- Valid periods and time restrictions
- Free or fixed key positioning
- Unlimited number of administrators with adjusted rights
- Activities registered on log software on PC or cabinet
- Reports on key access via PDF and CSV files
- Intelligent search function on display
- Alarm indicators and Alarm forwarded to email
- Door Alarm, Key Alarm, Burglar Alarm
- Connection for external reader and alarm
- Standalone or network
- Customised key systems based on specific security requirements
- Systems can be modified for ipods and phones

Call Aus Lock & Safe on (03) 9315 5910 for a quote