Aus Lock & Safe suppliers an extensive range of padlocks. We provide expert keying services and can supply padlocks keyed alike, keyed differently, or keyed to an existing code (when compatible).
Victorian Power Industry Padlocks ‘New Master Key System’

The Victorian Power Industry (VPI) has a new restricted Power Industry Key System which is the VPI2. The previous system has expired and being phased out and will be completely removed in the coming future.
The new VPI2 locks are integrated with the Lockwood MT5+ Master Key System.
As an authorized dealer for Lockwood Assa Abloy, Aus Lock & Safe can code and supply the new VPI MT5+ Master Key System.

Aus Lock & Safe suppliers an extensive range of padlocks. We provide expert keying services and can supply padlocks keyed alike, keyed differently, or keyed to an existing code (when compatible).
If you are after a particular padlock simply give us a call on (03) 9315 5910 and we’ll be sure to assist you.