Lockwood MT5+
Lockwood MT5+ Key System

Lockwood MT5+ Restricted Keying System
Three mechanisms for more security
The new MT5+ locking system from Lockwood provides the highest security. It is protected by key patents protection and also offers a high technical key copy protection until 2025.
This advanced locking system provides the highest possible level of protection against illegal key duplication via the revolutionary Alpha spring and the integration of the telescopic pin.
MT5+ unique feature is the locking bar for optimum security and high level master keying capabilities.

1. Alpha spring
At the tip of the key is a revolutionary mobile interacting spring - the alpha spring. The alpha spring engages a unique pin at the rear of the cylinder mechanism creating another shearline.
2. Telescopic pin
This new-generation product is also based on a new configuration telescopic pin technology.
3. Locking bar
The locking bar mechanism is the third technology featured in the MT5+ cylinder. Correct alignment of the locking bar pins depends upon the correct combination key being inserted into the cylinder. The milled pattern which runs along the length of the key interacts with the top bar horizontal pins, creating the required shearline.
With Lockwood MT5+ originals are near extremely hard to copy
All MT5 products have a double-sided unique MT5 key. One set of cuts are for the telescopic pin mechanism and the other cut, the milled pattern, is for the locking bar in MT5+ products. The MT5+ combination provides enhanced key security and a higher manipulation resistance.

Call us on 1800 AUS LOCK (287 562) for a quote.